Category: Companies


Analyzing Starbucks Corp.’s (SBUX) Stock Behavior

Starbucks Corp. (NASDAQ:SBUX) at last check was buoying at $73.97 on Friday, July 26, with a rise of 0.89% from its closing price on previous day. Taking a look at stock we notice that its last check on previous day was $73.32. Company’s P/E ratio


SentinelOne Inc (S): Worth A Small Bite At $23.08

SentinelOne Inc (NYSE:S) at last check was buoying at $23.08 on Friday, July 26, with a fall of -0.13% from its closing price on previous day. Taking a look at stock we notice that its last check on previous day was $23.11. Considering stock’s 52-week


Keycorp (KEY) At $16.22: It’s Worth Your Interest

Keycorp (NYSE:KEY) at last check was buoying at $16.22 on Friday, July 26, with a rise of 0.53% from its closing price on previous day. Taking a look at stock we notice that its last check on previous day was $16.13. Company’s P/E ratio for