
Alcoa Corp (AA) Volatility Reaches 3.71%: Sit Tight

Alcoa Corp (NYSE:AA) at last check was buoying at $32.64 on Thursday, July 25, with a fall of -0.62% from its closing price on previous day. Taking a look at stock we notice that its last check on previous day was $32.84. Considering stock’s 52-week


In 2024, Alcoa Corp (NYSE: AA) Shares Will Likely Be Bullish

Alcoa Corp (NYSE:AA) shares, rose in value, with the stock price down by -3.15% to the previous day’s close as strong demand from buyers drove the stock to $35.65. Actively observing the price movement in the last trading, the stock closed the session at $36.81.


Alcoa Corp (NYSE: AA): Making Its Way To A Higher Share Price

Alcoa Corp (NYSE:AA) price on Friday, July 12, fall -0.14% below its previous day’s close as a downside momentum from buyers pushed the stock’s value to $39.12. A look at the stock’s price movement, the level at last check in today’s session was $39.18. Turning


Alcoa Corp (NYSE: AA) Plunged -1.55%, So What Now?

Alcoa Corp (NYSE:AA) shares, rose in value, with the stock price down by -1.55% to the previous day’s close as strong demand from buyers drove the stock to $38.82. Actively observing the price movement in the last trading, the stock closed the session at $39.43.


Alcoa Corp’s (AA) 3.97% Gain Is A Reason To Reconsider.

Alcoa Corp (NYSE:AA) price on Thursday, June 20, rose 3.97% above its previous day’s close as an upside momentum from buyers pushed the stock’s value to $38.98. A look at the stock’s price movement, the close in the last trading session was $37.49. Turning to